Sunday Review 4/7/2024
Hey, Goal Crushers and Dream Chasers.
Here is the data, what I did, where I am going.
I am on a weight loss journey and have shed 70 pounds.
Start → Last week → This week.
380 lbs. → 310 lbs. → 311 lbs.
My newsletter has grown 34 subscribers.
32 → 34. Grateful for every single one.
Facebook page stayed at 48.
Last week (48) → Now (48)
(2) Facebook ← Link to account here.
I have gained 7 followers on X.
545 → 552 followers.
@TimC413 ← Link to account here.
The family was sick and I was unable to concentrate on deep work.
I spent the time on a personal project that did not require much focus.
I ended up getting sick myself and neglected my strength training.
I let the loss affect me a couple days but my life partner reassured me.
I plan to get back on track this week with my routine and deep work.
I decided the relationship book should not be my focus.
I need to finish my high ticket program so I will focus on that.
I am creating 2 more books and a video course on mindset.
I will be pushing toward healthier habits and routine.
Yours in digital success,
Timothy Cortez