From Zer0 to Hero
This is a guide to go from $0 to $1,000,000 maker.
Why aim for a million dollars?
Because the value is not what you make, it’s who you become.
Purpose is not found, it is made. Purpose is your ikigai. (Reason to live)
Invest in yourself
You need a vision, a story, a purpose.
Better questions will give you better answers.
But the 3 big things to invest in are:
Your Education
Your Skills
Your Focus
Education is not learning and finding problems. It’s finding problems to give purpose to learning.
Don’t let your learning lead to knowledge, let your learning lead to action!
Skills pay the bills. So, the higher leverage skills you can attain, the better off you will be.
I have invested in copywriting, strategic intervention coaching, and my communication techniques.
Last BUT not least is your focus. The most important skill. This is how you frame the world.
I changed from a relationship coach to a life strategist for my brand. This was essential to my growth.
Because if your goals are not changing, you are not changing.
Don’t wait for life to give you lemons. Find those lemons and sell the lemonade.
Invest in your relationships
You need a purpose, you need people, you need a plan.
Better reasons will give you better results.
I motivate my family and they motivate me. You reap what you sow.
The 3 things to focus on in relationships are:
Your Network
Your Reputation
Your Online Presence
Do the people around you lift you up or drag you down.
Your network is your net worth.
Do you drag yourself down? Do you drag others down.
Your reputation matters. Building trust will build communities.
Your online presence is your presence in communication.
Do you give actionable advice, does your personality shine, do you inspire others?
Invest in your own Business
How a simple ladder makes $1,000,000’s.
They call it the value ladder. Example value ladder:
Free ticket (Lead magnet)
Low Ticket (Products)
Mid Ticket (Services)
High Ticket (Programs)
Connecting it all is a sales funnel and newsletter to keep contact.
The key to growing a business is building tickets, gaining clients, and overdelivering for them.
A lead magnet is a free product that overdelivers in value in exchange for their email.
From here continue to deliver value to them in emails. 80% value to 20% promotion.
The promotion being your higher tier tickets. The key is building trust with clients.
But if you fail to deliver for them, expect to lose the client. That is why you need to overdeliver.
Invest in your Financial Future
Don’t focus on the past, focus on the present, build the future.
The key to securing a financial future is investing in capital:
Stocks, bonds, mutual funds.
Your own business.
Real estate
This all falls under liquidity. Which is the ability to convert one resource into another or CASH.
When you throw money into these assets, you are storing funds in the hope they hit appreciation or grow in value.
Money in savings will always depreciate, meaning lose value. Keep some on hand for emergencies.
Invest in your education on what makes a successful startup, and you can create one or soar in stocks with one.
If you want to become rich, you must study the rich. Buy books on money and invest in mentors.
In summary
Here are the 4 things we covered:
Invest in yourself
Invest in your relationships
Invest in your own business.
Invest in your financial future.
Knowledge is power, power is leverage.
Power over yourself is potential to succeed.
When you master the art of investment, you unlock that potential.
May this information bless you on your path to legacy.
Yours in digital success,
Timothy Cortez
P.S. If you thought this was comprehensive, easy to digest, and packed with value.
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